filodendro negro - Uma visão geral

filodendro negro - Uma visão geral

Blog Article

If you see roots poking out of the surface or drainage holes, graduate to one container size larger.

This charming feature of the Philodendron Burle Marx makes it a stunning addition to your indoor plant collection and an attractive display piece.

Compra GarantidaVai abrir em uma nova janela, receba o Resultado de que está esperando ou devolvemos o dinheiro.

– (See D Jan/Getty Images/My Domaine) Utilizando folhas verdes profundas por textura rica e hastes cor de cobre contrastantes, este filodendro micans é muito elegante. Deixe seus tons escuros se destacarem contra uma parede branca ou prateleira do madeira clara.

Regular inspection of your plant, especially the undersides of the leaves, can help catch any infestations early. If these pests are detected, they can be easily treated using insecticidal soap or a mixture of water and mild dish soap.

However, remember that philodendrons contain a large amount of calcium oxalate crystals and are toxic to humans and pets.

When grown indoors, this growth habit is entirely different. The plant grows as tiny shrubs instead of vining outwards, although it can still be somewhat leggy if not pruned.

Ideal para áreas do semi-sombra, Pode vir a ser plantada em vasos em interiores ou no jardim conferindo um toque tropical ao paisagismo.

Your new stem cutting needs to cure now. To cure it, the cutting must sit in a warm room for seven to 10 days. During this time, one end of the cutting will callous over. A calloused end improves the chances of the cutting rooting when it’s planted.

Bora lançar esse passo e transformar seu espaço ao ar livre num verdadeiro oásis particular? Pega seu exemplar actualmente e vamos nessa jornada juntos! E aí, preparado pra ver seu jardim virar desgraça de revista?

What is the secret to growing a beautiful Burle Marx? Indirect sunlight! These plants grow beneath thick canopies in Brazilian jungles, so they are not accustomed to direct light. Their leaves will actually start to drop if they get too much direct sunlight.

These leaves display a rich green color, which may appear even more pronounced or darker depending on various factor like light conditions.

Mantenha a estaca em 1 local quente e utilizando luz indireta até que as raízes se desenvolvam. Transplante a muda enraizada para um vaso utilizando solo indicado para filodendros. Divisão por touceira

Note that variegated versions of this plant will lose their coloration if left in the more info shade too long.

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